Sponsored by LebanonTurf
in cooperation with GCSAA
in cooperation with GCSAA

The GCSAA show (Catch Your Wave) is coming up and if you are attending please stop by the Lebanon Turf booth and vote Ulia for Dog of the Year!
Ulia found Jason Amoy, superintendent at Mad Pacific Country Clup as an 8-week-old pup.
She loves to run the course in Lanikai, where her favorite jobb each morning is to herd the resident duck population back into the pond.
Plan now to stop by the LebanonTurf booth at the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show in February to place your vote for the 2025 Dog of the Year. The winner’s owner will receive a $500 prize and $3,000 for his or her GCSAA-affiliated chapter. A $2,000 charitable donation will also be made to K9’s for Warriors by GCSAA and LebanonTurf in honor of the winner.