HGCSA Legislative News Update

This an a update on what is going on at our HI Legislature session this year. There are a lot of bills that have to do with pesticides and a couple of them deserve watching.

  1. HB 1756 HD1 has to do with the state banning the use and sale of any products with chlorpyrifos in it. This type of bill has been around for a few years. Not sure what will happen this session.

    Here is the published submitted testimony from Scott E. Enright Chairperson, Board Of Agriculture for the April 2nd hearing:
    Please CLICK HERE to view the testimony.

  2. HB 2722 HD1 is about restricting the use of neonicotinoid and glyphosate products. This one could pass but it did get re-referred back to EEP/AGR committee.

    If you read the bill it says use on state/public property and will need a restricted use license.
    Please CLICK HERE to view the bill.

  3. HB2721 HD1 is posting public notice before spraying, it also was re-referred back to committee.
    Please CLICK HERE to view the committee report.

Please take a look at these bills and any others on the legislation website https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/ and type in pesticides at the keyword line.

If you have any concerns, we are forming a response to these bills, please send them to Mike Atwood at [email protected].

Russell Dooge, CGCS

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