Photo: Mike Atwood
Aloha members.
We are excited to announce the near completion of the BMP Handbook for Hawaii golf courses. The committee is now reaching out to each of you to supply pictures from your golf course, employee outings, and anything you think would add to the document. Attach the file, add a description, the course name, peoples names if in photo, and credit the person that took the photo. Please see the list of photos still needed below and forward on to [email protected] These photos will be part of the handbook so high resolution photos, Iphone works, would be great to include in this publication.
Scott Main
Pictures Needed for the BMP Handbook on the Topics Listed Below:
- Pump station
- Aerification
- Examples of different types of water bodies from each island
- Erosion control
- Construction
- Hybrid equipment
- Electric golf carts
- Stormwater protection
- True Turf Roller, Stand-alone roller and triplex rollers
- Maintenance facility
- Maintenance crews pics (teams and individuals, close up)
- Maintenance crews pics – action (cultural practices)
- Lighting on course
- Golfers
- PPE/Safety Sheets/Posted instructions
- Fuel station
- Recycling areas
- Native plants
- Unique course features/views – specifically Kaua’I and Oahu
- Views (general)