Links to download the 2013 Hawaii USGA Regional Conferences Registration Forms for Maui, Kauai, Oahu and the Big Island can be found below. Please print and mail in your registration form and payment not later than March 22, 2103 direct to the USGA address.
- Maui USGA Regional Conference Registration Form
- Kauai USGA Regional Conference Registration Form
- Oahu USGA Regional Conference Registration Form
- Big Island USGA Regional Conference Registration Form
The United States Golf Association is the national governing body of golf for the U.S. and Mexico. The USGA’s most visible role is played out each season in conducting 13 national championships, including the U.S. Open. The USGA also writes the Rules of Golf, conducts equipment testing, funds research for better turf and a better environment, maintains a Handicap System, celebrates the history of the game and administers an ongoing grants program.