Hawaii Golf Course Superintendents Blog

2021 – Rounds 4 Research

Dear Hawaii GCSA Members,

I hope this finds you all doing well and preparing for what promises to be another busy year throughout the islands.

I am reaching out to you today on behalf of the Hawaii GCSA Board of Directors concerning the Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG) Rounds 4 Research program. Rounds 4 Research was started in 2012 to address funding shortages in the areas of turfgrass research, education and advocacy. To date, the auction has raised more than $782,000 nationally.

The premise of the program is simple: Golf facilities can support the effort by donating rounds of golf for two or four or “stay and play” packages and other items that will be auctioned online through a nationwide auction from April 26 – May 2.

The proceeds from the online auction are designated by the participating facilities to their local GCSA chapter (in this case, Hawaii). 80 percent goes to the chapter with the remaining 20 percent going to EIFG to assist with marketing and technical costs of running the national auction. The auction is conducted through the bidding platform biddingforgood.com. Donated items can be viewed at https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/auctionhome.action?vhost=eifg.

The Hawaii GCSA can then decide how to best spend the funds in the areas of research, education or advocacy efforts.

I’m asking all of you today to consider donating a twosome or foursome from your facility to the auction. In times of declining membership, participation and sponsorship, these additional funds can be critical to our chapter to continue providing the member services you have become accustomed to.

The donation process can be completed online and takes approximately 10 minutes. Please visit http://www.eifg.org/research/rounds-4-research/donate-a-round/online-form and complete the form.

The participating facility has the ability to restrict rounds to certain days and times as well as the option of setting your opening bid. You can send in your own certificate for the donation or the EIFG will create a certificate for you.

If you have any questions concerning Rounds 4 Research, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I appreciate your time and consideration. You will be assisting your local chapter as well as raising funds for the future of the game.


Russ Dooge, CGCS
Executive Director
Hawaii GCSA

2021 University of Hawaii Turfgrass and Landscape Pest Management Webinar Series

Webinar series is free of charge, brought to you by UH Manoa Turfgrass and Landscape Pest Management Program, and CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service.

Download the Flyer

4:00 – 5:00 pm on Tuesdays in April 2021

Live on Zoom: Webinar Zoom link will be provided to registered participants.

Certified Educational Units

  •  1.0 HDOA Pesticide CEU for categories: Private 1 and Commercial 1a, 2, 3, 6, 9 &10.
  • 1.0 LICT CEU.
  • 0.10 GCSAA points (0.10 each for April 06 and April 13 webinars).
  • 1.0 ISA CEU (1.0 each for April 20 and April 27 webinars).
    * CEUs pending confirmation from HDOA, LICH, GCSAA, and ISA.
April 06, 2021Management of several important turfgrass and golf course pests in Hawaii: take-all patch, mini ring, frit fly, and rover ant. Dr. Zhiqiang Cheng, UH Manoa.
Registration link (by April 02, 2021): https://forms.gle/S3Q1wVTFxk6LTtbMAA
April 13, 2021Grassy weed control at West Loch golf course, case history with 200 gallon sprayer with 20ft. boom. Dr. Joseph DeFrank, UH Manoa (retired).
Registration link (by April 07, 2021): https://forms.gle/CdHEnDEbbDgYXtHn9
April 20, 2021Management of several important landscape pests in Hawaii: lobate lac scale, Ficus stem and leaf gall wasps, and hala scale.
Dr. Zhiqiang Cheng, UH Manoa.
Registration link (by April 14, 2021): https://forms.gle/2AYnJeVjv9QHTtSV6
April 27, 2021Research update on chemical and biological control of coconut rhinoceros beetle in Hawaii.
Dr. Zhiqiang Cheng, UH Manoa.
Registration link (by April 21, 2021): https://forms.gle/VdWA3WRnchr1Ya6L6

Organized and hosted by:
Zhiqiang Cheng, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Extension Specialist
Dept. of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR, UH Manoa

Questions or for additional info, please contact: Dr. Zhiqiang Cheng ([email protected])


Message from Executive Director – Upcoming Webinar

Below is a notification from LICH about an upcoming webinar.

I would like to give a shout out to a few superintendents that had hosted events in the last few weeks. Andrew Rebman at Kapalua, Dave Nakama at Waialae and Dan Husek at Hualalai along with their staff did a great job in getting their courses in shape.

At the end of last year the Carolinas put on Webinar classes and a few of you participated in the classes, thank you for participating.

Last don’t forget that our annual Golf & Seminar is this October on Oahu, hopefully it will be safe by then.

Russell Dooge, CGCS
37 Puahau Pl.
Wailuku, HI, 96793
(808) 344-3213

From: Landscape Industry Council of Hawaii
Subject: LICH Hawaiiscape Webinar Series
Date: January 22, 2021 at 4:59:12 PM HST
Reply-To: Landscape Industry Council of Hawaii

Please join LICH for our bimonthly webinar series — register by using the link below!
February 16, 2021, 3 PM-5 PM
1 RUP CEU’s, 1 LICT CEU, and 1 ISA CEU available

Dr James Downer will expand on his research and experience in mulching practices and how they are applicable to landscape and arborist industry practices.
Michelle Montgomery will be discussing efforts to find new products for little fire ant in the state.

To register for the webinar:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/janfeb-2021-hawaiiscape-webinar-series-tickets-136350364611 Follow up emails will be sent with the link to the webinar and the available certification credits.

Download the Flyer

Conference Comes to You

Hawaii GCSA Members, 

We are excited to provide you with world class education this year as we partner with the Carolinas GCSA.

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to register for seminars.

Seminars begin November 2nd and run through December 18th from 1-3 pm EST. No classes the week of Thanksgiving. 

This is an ONLINE ONLY registration process.ONLY CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 

  • Go to www.conferencecomestoyou.org. Registration opens 9/25/20 at 10 AM EST.
  • Once you select a seminar, click “TAKE THIS SEMINAR”. This will take you to the cart. If you choose to take more than one seminar, click on the blue bar “BACK TO CALENDAR”. 
  • Once you have chosen all your seminars, click “Proceed to Check-Out”.
  • Enter HI2020 in the discount/partner chapter code to get your member discount. Without this code classes WILL NOT discount to $40.
  • It is VERY IMPORTANT that you enter Hawaii GCSA under the Chapter Membership dropdown.
  • Add your PESTICIDE LICENSE if applicable. There is room for up to 3 license numbers.
  • Add your credit card information and click “PLACE ORDER”.
  • You will receive 2 emails with a confirmation with your username and a receipt. You may log back in with your username or email with the password you created. If you forget your password, you may reset.
  • You will receive reminder emails that may include important materials from your instructor in advance of your seminar.
  • On the day of your seminar, log into your seminar (from your account or reminder email) from a computer/laptop/mobile device that has a webcam.

Your member discount code is: HI2020

Letter from HGCSA President, Scott Main, on COVID-19

Aloha Members,

I hope this letter finds each of you healthy and in good spirits during this difficult time, an unprecedented time in our lives that has left many of us scratching our heads wondering what will come next. The current shutdowns and quarantines have caused us to change policy and procedures daily, but this is generally what we do in our business. Take a deep breath, reflect, and now is the time for us to make the best decisions we can with what information is available.

The HGCSA board has been busy over the last few days reaching out to mayors on each island regarding how to proceed with golf maintenance, given many clubs have made the decision to close. First, I would like to make sure you are communicating with your owner, stakeholders, members, or general manager regarding the best practice for your property and staff. Secondly, the response we have received from the mayors’ offices is that golf maintenance is a critical trade that can continue. They ask that we continue to follow the CDC guidelines on social distancing, limiting numbers, and continual hygiene. We need to maintain our product with limited contact and hours. I have personally talked with many of you and there are many great plans in place. Don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call your neighbors to compare plans and strategies.

Since the economy is slowly grinding to a halt and revenues are at an all-time low, the HGCSA Board has voted to waive dues for the 2020 year. Along with waiving dues we have voted to postpone the annual golf and seminar in Oahu scheduled for August. The timeline is unknown as to how long the COVID-19 virus will require our day-to-day operations, travel, and gatherings to be delayed. We will regroup once things have settled to plan a meeting and golf for the spring of 2021.

This is a great time for everyone to download the mobile app (Android, Iphone) that Russ has set up for members called Wild Apricot. The app will allow each member to update their profile: Company, Title, email, and address information. You will need to set up a log-in and password and then reply to an email. If you know of any member who is not getting our emails, please share the app.

Scott Main
President HGCsA

“There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.”– Malcolm X

HGCSA Best Management Practices (BMPs) Handbook Released

The Hawai’i Golf Course Superintendents Association (HGCSA) has released a handbook of Hawai’i Golf Maintenance Best Management Practices (BMPs). The handbook promotes environmental stewardship, golf course playability, and overall health of the Hawai’i golf and tourism industries.

The HGCSA represents 125 members within the state. Our ‘ohana includes superintendents, agronomists, assistant superintendents, mechanics, greenskeepers, and industry suppliers. We believe it is our kuleana (responsibility) to our land and communities to operate using sustainable methods of natural resource management. This handbook provides guidance for all areas of golf maintenance for golf courses of all sizes, with BMPs specific to our state. Our goal is to promote environmental stewardship, community engagement, and the overall health of the Hawai’i golf and tourism industries.

“We’re proud to release the handbook, the HGCSA encourages its 125 members to perform at the highest standards with ongoing care and respect for the environment,” said Nanea Golf Club superintendent, HGCSA president, and BMP steering committee co-chair Scott Main. “It’s important for collaboration within our communities.”

Photos for Best Management Practices Handbook

Light Topdressing No. 10 Green Emerald Course Wailea
Photo: Mike Atwood

Aloha members.

We are excited to announce the near completion of the BMP Handbook for Hawaii golf courses. The committee is now reaching out to each of you to supply pictures from your golf course, employee outings, and anything you think would add to the document. Attach the file, add a description, the course name, peoples names if in photo, and credit the person that took the photo. Please see the list of photos still needed below and forward on to [email protected] These photos will be part of the handbook so high resolution photos, Iphone works, would be great to include in this publication.


Scott Main

Pictures Needed for the BMP Handbook on the Topics Listed Below:

  • Pump station
  • Aerification
  • Examples of different types of water bodies from each island
  • Erosion control
  • Construction
  • Hybrid equipment
  • Electric golf carts
  • Stormwater protection
  • True Turf Roller, Stand-alone roller and triplex rollers
  • Maintenance facility
  • Maintenance crews pics (teams and individuals, close up)
  • Maintenance crews pics – action (cultural practices)
  • Lighting on course
  • Golfers
  • PPE/Safety Sheets/Posted instructions
  • Fuel station
  • Recycling areas
  • Native plants
  • Unique course features/views – specifically Kaua’I and Oahu
  • Views (general)

2019 Rounds 4 Research

Dear Hawaii GCSA Members,

I hope this finds you all doing well and preparing for what promises to be another busy year throughout the islands.

I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Hawaii GCSA Board of Directors concerning the Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG) Rounds 4 Research program. Rounds 4 Research was started in 2012 to address funding shortages in the areas of turfgrass research, education and advocacy. To date, the auction has raised more than $782,000 nationally.

The premise of the program is simple: Golf facilities can support the effort by donating rounds of golf for two or four or “stay and play” packages and other items that will be auctioned online through a nationwide auction from April 29 – May 5.

The proceeds from the online auction are designated by the participating facilities to their local GCSA chapter (in this case, Hawaii). 80 percent goes to the chapter with the remaining 20 percent going to EIFG to assist with marketing and technical costs of running the national auction. The auction is conducted through the bidding platform biddingforgood.com. Donated items can be viewed at https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/auctionhome.action?vhost=eifg.

The Hawaii GCSA can then decide how to best spend the funds in the areas of research, education or advocacy efforts.

I’m asking all of you today to consider donating a twosome or foursome from your facility to the auction. In times of declining membership, participation and sponsorship, these additional funds can be critical to our chapter to continue providing the member services you have become accustomed to.

The donation process can be completed online and takes approximately 10 minutes. Please visit http://www.eifg.org/research/rounds-4-research/donate-a-round/online-form and complete the form.
The participating facility has the ability to restrict rounds to certain days and times as well as the option of setting your opening bid. You can send in your own certificate for the donation or the EIFG will create a certificate for you.

If you have any questions concerning Rounds 4 Research, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I appreciate your time and consideration. You will be assisting your local chapter as well as raising funds for the future of the game.


Russ Dooge, CGCS
Executive Director
Hawaii GCSA

2019 Golf Industry Show in San Diego

The 2019 Golf Industry Show in San Diego was well attended by members of the Hawaii Golf Course Superintendents Association. The Educational Events and the Trade Show are always helpful for us Hawaii folks to keep current on new products and technologies which are changing fast. Also the chance to network with 6,000 other Golf Industry decision makers from 60 or so countries made the trip up to the mainland a valuable experience.

CLICK to view the photo gallery from this GREAT event!!!

Leslie Jeremiah Jr., 2018 HGCSA
Superintendent of the Year

Leslie Jeremiah Jr., 2018 HGCSA
Superintendent of the Year

Annually the HGCSA chooses a member for their Superintendent of the Year (SOY) award for their ability to excel at one or more of the following criteria: educating and advancing the careers of colleagues and assistants, negotiating with government agencies, maximizing budget limitations, preparing for tournaments under unusual circumstances, service to golf clientele, upgrading and renovating golf courses, dealing with extreme or emergency conditions and the member’s lasting impact on the Hawaii Golf Industry.


Leslie Jeremiah Jr., 2018 HGCSA SOY


  • At 8 years old, Les was introduced to the game of golf from his two uncles, golfing at Bay View GC
  • First job was picking up range balls at Bay View GC; proceeded to work on the golf course grounds crew cutting cups, mowing greens & spraying RoundUp
  • At 18 years old, got his first full time job at Minami Golf Course (Koolau) under Sean Hoolahan


  1. Waikele Golf Club – construction grow-in w/ Kalani Voeller
  2. Bay View Golf Course – worked way up to GC Supervisor
  3. Various Landscape companies (intermittently)
  4. Bay View Golf Course – construction grow-in w/ Curtis Kono
  5. Challenge @ Manele – Asst. Supt under Earl Mamuad
  6. Makena – Asst. Supt under Dan Honma
  7. Experience @ Koele – Head Supt.
  8. Challenge @ Manele & Experience @ Koele – Head Supt.
  9. DHR Construction – Director of Agronomy & GC Construction (S. Korea, Philippines, Hawaiian Islands)
  10. Hoakalei CC – Director of Golf Maintenance


  1. Turf certificate @ UH Windward
  2. Certified Golf Course Superintendent (CGCS)
  3. Golf Course Management certificate @ Ohio State University


  1. Golf Course Turf consultant work in Guam
  2. Speaker at Turfgrass Management seminar in Thailand & Philippines, and Hawaii conferences
  3. Active Board Member for Hawaii Turfgrass Association & HGCSA
  4. Mentored numerous members who have become/are currently Head Superintendents & GM’s